How Going Solar Works
Allterra Solar Has Created an Industry Leading Product and Service Offering That Makes Going Solar Easy
All you have to do is say “yes” and we will handle the rest from design and permitting to PG&E paperwork and system monitoring. We encourage you to find out why over 60% of our work comes from referrals.

Qualification & Initial Design
Allterra will assess your home to determine project feasibility, preliminary design and projected savings so that homeowners can decide, without obligation, whether paying less for electricity is the right choice. There is a reason over 60% of our work comes via referral – we ensure that your system will maximize production and is built to last.

Consultation & Project Approval
Allterra’s consultants are some of the best in the business with decades of combined experience. We strive to make the in-home conversation informative, educational and transparent so that you understand our process and why Allterra is the clear choice for your home solar system. Unlike many of our competitors, Allterra’s employee retention is extraordinary, which means you get highly qualified solar professionals who are knowledgeable about every aspect of your project.

Site Survey
Allterra’s quality assurance and control exceeds the industry standard at every step including the site survey. Prior to installation, we send a highly trained certified technician to your home for a final review of your homes electrical system, roof structure, and sun exposure.

Solar Design
Solar Design takes into consideration all the variables and constraints (shade, roof tilt, azimuth, etc.) of a home and an individual’s energy use patterns. Allterra’s renowned design team will visit the site to collect data and determine final details of every system design. During this stage, we ensure clients are getting the best system possible for their home by modeling energy production over time. Once we have the best system design possible we complete the plan set and submit the Building Permit application.

Having worked in most cities and counties throughout the Central Coast and Bay Area for nearly 15 years, we have a proven track record of quality designs that set the standard among building departments and inspectors. In fact, numerous city and county building department staff throughout the region have chosen Allterra based on the caliber of our work.

Allterra’s installers possess the experience and technical expertise that sets them apart from competitors with high employee turnover. Allterra trains, trains, and re-trains all technicians and installation staff so that the final product on the roof exceeds expectations.

System Interconnection & Start Up
Once the system is installed and the building department has signed off, Allterra will coordinate with PG&E for interconnection to the grid. This final step is the literal “flipping of the switch” after which your system will begin producing clean energy for decades to come.

Saving Money
The last phase of your solar project is the one that lasts the longest: saving money. Allterra builds systems that will last 40 years, meaning that your savings will start on day one and continue long after your system is paid off.