Second Harvest Food Bank Partnership

Allterra Solar invites the Santa Cruz County community to go solar and help feed people at Summer Fest 2013. Second Harvest’s Summer Fest 2013 is a fun day for the whole family and will be held Friday, July 12 from 11:30 am to 2 pm at the Second Harvest Food Bank at 800 Ohlone Parkway in Watsonville, California. By partnering with Second Harvest Food Bank, Alltera Solar, leading Santa Cruz solar installers, will feed local families and keep energy dollars in the community.

As part of their partnership, Allterra will donate up to 2,000 meals to Second Harvest Food Bank for every solar PV system installed. “By mentioning Second Harvest when you go solar, you have the opportunity to do something for your pocket book, the Central Coast’s natural beauty, and the folks who depend on the services of Second Harvest Food Bank,” said David Stearns of Allterra Solar.

This partnership reflects Allterra Solar’s commitment to contributing to a vibrant, healthy, and sustainable community where everyone has access to basic needs. This includes providing local solar power, which helps to keep energy dollars within the community. In addition, installing solar panels now requires $0 upfront investment, is less expensive than PG&E, and will also significantly boost home values.

To help educate the community about the value and advantages of going solar, Allterra Solar offers free evaluations so that Central Coast homeowners can decide, with no obligation, if and how they would like to make the transition to solar and begin paying less for electricity.

To learn more about installations for solar panels in Santa Cruz and surrounding areas, visit