Letter to the Editor | Build Back Better Act will Build Local Economy

In a momentous step forward for climate and our economy, the Build Back Better Act just passed the U.S. House. Now we need Congress to make it law. These investments will create and expand good jobs, like mine, strengthen our economy, and improve U.S. competitiveness as the world shifts to clean energy.

I’m part of California’s clean energy economy. I have watched our company, Allterra Solar, grow over the past decade which has created local jobs and kept energy dollars in our community. There are already clean energy workers in every corner of the country, including nearly 5,000 here in Rep. Panetta’s district. When we invest in clean energy, workers and businesses in rural, urban, republican, democratic, coastal, and heartland districts all benefit.

These investments will also save our country money by addressing the growing economic costs of climate change, which cost the nation $100 billion in 2020 alone.

This bill is a win for America, including all of us in Santa Cruz.

— David Stearns, Allterra Solar 

Appeared in the Thanksgiving 2021 Issue of the Santa Cruz Sentinel