Local Food Local Power

Local Food Local Power

by David Stearns

What do organic vegetables, hormone free meats, and local solar power have in common? They’re all available at New Leaf Community Markets because New Leaf customers understand the importance of responsibly produced products. New Leaf Community Markets and Allterra Solar’s “Groceries and a Gift,” campaign is only six months old but it is off to a phenomenal start. By going solar, Central Coast residents have already kept more than six tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere and saved more than 10,000 gallons of water that would have otherwise been used in the production of fossil fuel electricity.  The local economy benefits tremendously as solar installations create green jobs that cannot be outsourced. The program has also raised more than $1,000 for the Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab.  Join Allterra Solar and New Leaf Community Markets and make a difference in our community.

To get a free solar evaluation for your home or business, click the “get a free quote” button at the top of the page.  

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